Monday, October 13, 2014

25 Of The Most Dangerous And Unusual Journeys To School In The World via Bored Panda

"It’s important not to forget that, in some parts of the world, school can be a hard-won luxury. Many children throughout the world have to take the most incredible and unimaginable routes in order to receive the education that some of us may take for granted."
(More on:

There are actually people in this world that realize the importance of education. This article is to remind students that they should appreciate what they have. 

Message to all students: Take your education seriously, help is available whenever you need it.

According to "Private tuition in Singapore - A White Paper Release" conducted by Blackbox Research in 2012, 80% of Singaporeans believe that tuition is beneficial to education.

Are your kids or you having problems with your subjects? We are in this industry for 14 years and have top graduates, NIE teachers, professors and accredited tutors who specialised in teaching different subjects. To find a tutor, you can SMS us at 9372 7675.

We offer both one-to-one and group tuition for  students. Please form your own group because this will facilitate my teaching methodology.

Teaching Methodology:

1. Understanding concepts and application of concept to questions
2. Developing Analytical and problem solving skills
3. Identifying exam trends and skills (Questions spotting)
4. Practicing variety of questions to prepare you for your exam
5. Simplifying difficult concepts
6. Identifying and improving your weakness

Do contact me at 9372-7675 or email for tuition.

Student's Profile:

> Tertiary Student --
**Poly / JC (NYP, RP, SP, TP, NP, MDIS, Informatics, SIM, SAS, ACSI)
**University (NTU, NUS, SMU, Imperial College, London School of Economics, University of Durham, Uni SIM, UOL, RMIT, SAS, MDIS, University of Southern Australia, James Cook University, University of Newcastle, London School of Economics, Manchester Business School, University of Nottingham, Melbourne Business School)

**Master (Insead, Singapore Management University, NTU, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Manchester, Uni of Southern Australia, Uni of Buffalo, Uni of Adelaide, NUS, University of State of New York)

For more information, please visit: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 

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